The future of luxury watches: Interview with Dietmar Dahmen
The renowned top speaker gives a fascinating insight into how the NFT Diary project works for us, and explains what he finds so exciting about blockchain technology. So much for now: Dietmar Dahmen is currently wearing the DBF007-12-11 watch and not only feels emotionally attached to the piece of jewellery, but is also making new digital discoveries that he wants to share with the world. This watch not only represents an exciting past, but also acts as a key to future innovation.
At DuBois et fils, the creative director and keynote speaker combines tradition and innovation. He is fascinated by how the latest technologies make the authenticity of the watches tangible by digitally storing the history of each piece of jewellery.
Dietmar Dahmen immortalises personal digital diary entries in the chronicle of the DBF007-12-11, sharing valuable insights on how to be a successful manager.
Buy the DBF007-12-11 watch here and gain exclusive access to Dietmar Dahmen's NFT diary.